The government provides financial subsidies to eligible families for child care services. The level of subsidy is based on your combined family income and your hours of work, study, volunteering, etc. SmartPlay only charges the gap fee (that is, the centre charges less the government rebate).
What you need to do
Sign into your Centrelink online account through myGov
Select Complete your Child Care Subsidy assessment task.
Work through the steps to provide new information and confirm your current details.
Child Care Subsidy
Eligible families can access the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) through the myGov Website. If you have any questions, please contact your nearest SmartPlay Centre and they'll be able to assist you.
Payment Method
Fortnightly payments must be made in advance by credit/debit card or direct debit with payment received before your child’s first fortnight of attendance. Invoices are emailed fortnightly. Parents whose eligibility has been confirmed are billed the daily fee less the CCS government rebate that offsets your child’s fees. Parents whose eligibility is still pending will be charged full fees until eligibility is confirmation. If a back payment is received from CCS, parents accounts will be adjusted accordingly. Eligible parents will need to log onto the myGov website and complete the online forms to access this fee assistance. Please note, completion time for CCS eligibility can take up to 3 months (though usually shorter). We advise parents to complete the CCS online application at the time of application.
Absences and Change of Days
2 weeks written notice is required to cancel or alter specific booked days of care. Parents are required to notify their SmartPlay Centre if their child is away (on the day of absence), so accurate records can be kept and ensure the CCS maximum funded days are recorded.
Cessation of Care
2 weeks written notification before the final care date is required if your child will cease attending SmartPlay. A Cessation of Care form must be completed and returned to the office 2 weeks prior to the last day your child will attend the Centre. This is to ensure the correct fees are charged, and allow the Centre to plan for the transition of your child and their class.
Casual bookings
Additional days of care on a casual basis may be available if needed - an email application for a casual day is required to process the request. A 10% additional charge will apply to normal fees.